The idea of RapidSky was born in late 2023, at a helicopter show in Madrid, Spain. With an interest to purchase new helicopters for the Flying4Care initiative, my computer industry business card was not fit for purpose there. I was not being taken seriously. So, in February 2024, we created an aviation company called RapidSky Aviation Solutions, and here we are just 10 months later. This is a quick summary of what have we achieved in 2024, and where we are going in 2025.
Coming from the computer technology industry, I found that aviation professionals are not necessarily using the latest online productivity tools, nor is there much cohesion in the community. Yes, there are a multitude of Facebook groups, but sadly these are mostly infiltrated by unscrupulous participants, otherwise known as opportunistic scammers. Even if one successfully filters to the serious, the Mark Zuckerberg advertising tolls, are a price too much to pay. Hence, RapidSky created an independent online community, strictly moderated, and with zero advertising. Only real people are welcome.
Click here to join the community!
There is certainly no shortage of aircraft inventory, with a concentration of listings to be found on websites like Controller, Trade-a-Plane, AVBuyer, Planecheck and others. The fees to advertise on these sites can be significant, while some are cumbersome and hard to deal with. Case in point, our ads were simply rejected by Planecheck, with no specific reason. That gave rise to the thought of creating our own playing ground. Hence. the RapidSky Buy & Sell Listing service was born. Absolutely free of charge, and infused with new ways of selling online, using AI. The business model is affiliate marketing.
Click here to buy & sell aircraft!
Similarly, we found that buying and selling miscellaneous aviation-related items on the Internet, revolved around sites like Barnstormers. Successful as that site may be, antique roadshow does come to mind. We thought a fresher, more modern classified ads platform will be worth some coding time. Thus. RapidSky Classified Ads went live in late December 2024.
Click here to browse and place classified ads!
Probably our most significant achievement of 2024 is the new RapidSky VF2. After two years of searching, negotiating and planning, our first helicopter is actually in production. Based on a proven design, but entirely re-engineered to the highest standards, this helicopter manufactured for us by Vertical Fly in Piedmont, Italy. Absolutely everything produced in-house.
Click here to explore the RapidSky VF2!
RapidSKy quickly realized that there is a distinct void in the smaller turbine market. There are companies like TurboTech in France, who are making headway, but they simply ignored our request to order 30 turbines. Perhaps too busy. However, necessity is the mother of invention, so we set about finding our own solution. Again, we opted not to re-invent the wheel, so we contracted with Vertical Fly, to reverse engineer the Solar T62/32 turboshaft 150hp engine. The exciting result is the RapidSky ST150 turboshaft engine, available today, at half the price of the closest rival, TurboTech. This is a good example of how RapidSky intends to inject new energy into the general aviation industry, offering more cost-effective solutions.
This year has been instrumental in putting us on the aviation map, so to speak. With a vibrant website community, a real helicopter and turbine engine in production, RapidSky LTD is a tangible company registered in the United Kingdom. This has helped bring credibility to our other online initiatives. Trust needs to be earned in these days of online anonymity, and we are now seeing a more serious interest in Aviation Synergy, a more generic initiative to foster unity in general aviation.
Click here to help create aviation synergy!
Likewise, the tangible success of RapidSky is rubbing off on another of our online initiatives, Wings4Paws. Since moving it over from the United States to Europe, it has been more difficult to gain traction, but that is no changing. Our pet project is now viewed more seriously, and great progress is being made. We expect 2025 will be a pivotal year for this project.
Click here to help this cause!
Lastly, the real reason RapidSky was created, was to service our most important initiative, Flying4Care. We have been working on this project for nearly three years now, and RapidSky is closer to unlocking the significant funding that is forthcoming. This money will be put to good use, to build infrastructure and maintain the fleet of aircraft required.
Click here to explore this initiative!
In closing, I would like to thank the RapidSky Team, all our suppliers and supporters, for their wonderful work in 2024. It was a fast-moving and productive year, with tangible results. Now, as we approach the first RapidSky anniversary on 15 February, I marvel at what we have achieved in just 10 short months. Imagine what can be done, in the next 10 years!
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